Open Space Committee

Town of Peterborough, New Hampshire

Open Space Committee Vision for Peterborough

A town where homes, businesses and town services are set within a natural landscape of healthy waterways, working forests and farms, abundant wildlife, trails, and scenic views that give us all pleasure.

Land Conservation and Development Hand in Hand

Just as there are areas appropriate for land conservation, there are areas appropriate for development. Peterborough's Master Plan model encourages future development in existing "village" areas, surrounded by permanently protected open space.

Guiding Principle

When land of the highest natural resource value changes hands in Peterborough, conservation will be considered a viable option that can meet the needs of both the landowner and permanent protection of important natural resources.

Last updated 11/14//23

Peterborough's Protected Land

Peterborough is approximately square: 6x6 miles.

Of its 24,500 acres, 31% are classified as conserved.*

Breakdown of conservation land:

   66% privately held conservation easement land;

   14% town-owned;

   20% State/Federal/Land Trust owned.

See this map showing the Conserved Landscape of Peterborough, NH.

*Note: Several parcels classified conserved have no legally-binding restrictions on them.